Leverage Customer Intelligence to Improve
Business Performances


Collect feedback from distributed locations. Monitor multiple sites and parameters at physical and digital points of interaction. Customize questions to match your business, brand, and language needs.


Cloud SaaS Platform for secure, tiered, access-based aggregation, storage, retrieval and analysis of customer data. Integrate into existing client CRM systems
Real Time and Time Series analysis of feedback data to understand points of pain or points of delight. In built algorithms, rules engine, and machine learning models to understand customer sentiments.


Understand satisfaction and business drivers, and gain visibility into last mile service and operation for real time response and systematic improvements.


Smart Feedback
Hardware Platform Features

Real Time Data Acquisition

Event based streaming data

Multi Sensor Device

Configuration on Air

Connectivity Options

GSM / BLE / Wi Fi

Customizable Firmware

Firmware Upgrades on Air

Backup Local Storage

Configurable Transmission


Data visualization, Business Analytic

Smart Feedback Software Platform Features

Device Management

Real time, Cloud SaaS

Stream Analytics

Historical and Comparative Reports

Ream Time Dashboard

Data visualizatio, Charts and Graphs

Alerts & Notifications

Real time and custom rules driven


Business visibility, measurable insights

Tools and technologies

There are many Variations of Passages

Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text




AWS Lambda



Meet Our Experts

Contrary to Popular Belief

IoT Expert

Gaurav Jain

IoT Expert

Akash Sethia

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